Welcome to the Slices documentation hub!


This documentation site describes how you can get started on using the testbeds available in Slices, or how to integrate your testbed into the Slices Research Infrastructure.

To learn more about the Slices project, please visit the general Slices Research Infrastructure homepage.

Slices End User Documentation

This section guides you through the first steps into using the resources available within the Slices Research Infrastructure, and refers you to the proper documentation of each of the testbeds for more specific information.

Testbed Owner Documentation

Getting Started

We have three ways of adding your testbed to the Slices Research Infrastructure:

  • Light federation: access to the testbed’s resources is realized by exposing a Web-based GUI or Web-based API, with authentication through OAuth (offered by the Slices federation). This option does not allow full control over the individual testbed resources, but ensures unified access to experimenters. We support the OpenID Connect layer on top of the OAuth protocol and this link gives an idea of the metadata to be supported for the integration.
  • Advanced federation: this is typically used for testbed resources which are accessible through ssh (including e.g. a testbed gateway or jumphost that is accessible through ssh). The testbed is fully integrated in the federation so that experimenters can interact with their experiment during all stages of the experiment’s life cycle (resource selection, instantiation, control, monitoring, etc.). This option requires the implementation of the Federation AM API (Aggregate Manager Application Programming Interface) on top of your testbed. You can find some possible ways to support the AM API . The GCF option is probably the best candidate if your testbed does not yet support the AM API.
  • Associated testbed: there is no technical integration, but the testbed is just mentioned in the Slices Research Infrastructure overview. This is not further discussed here.

Light federation

Advanced federation

When you want to join Slices with your testbed, you can start with the following webinar (and accompanying slides): Fed4FIRE WP2: info for new testbeds.